When I got home I took some fine sand paper and sanded the inside of one of the hubs till the chrome finish was gone and it was not so tight of a fit. It still needs some work but a storm is on the way so it will have to wait.

Also in the mail came my JAG center foot brackets. I will leave them in the bag till I get a chance to prime them.A few days ago I ordered five 2 inch omni balls for my center foot and the back of my outer feet. I also ordered a 4 inch omni that I will convert to fit under the center wheel at some future point. The 4 inch one came today but not the 2 inch ones I need. This bad boy is huge!
It is made in Italy and looks like they made it out of a botchie ball (I love that game) lol.

where do you buy your 4inch omni ball ?
Thanks for your help
I got mine here.
Look under casters or wheels
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