Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wally world charity fund raiser

Yesterday the 501st did a charity fundraiser for the Children's Miracle Network. It was a fun troop and we raised some money for a great charity.

Tie Fight!  (Get it?)
OH look! Backpack parts!
Your under arrest!
Trooper civil war!
With the bullied Star Wars Girl named Katie going on right now, here is our submission to her from some of our strong smart and beautiful lady members. Stay Strong Katie!
After the event we all went out to eat, one of the members that came was the winner of one of the CV helmets. It made a great center piece during dinner :)
NOM NOM NOM!  Best pizza ever! We ate in our favorate room that feels like the one from cloud city. Great event with great friends! Now to get ready for the next troop!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I double dog dare you to submit the pictures to!

Ok yeah most of the time your like WTF are they wearing but I think no one would ever have expected 501st to show up at a Walmart.