Friday, January 22, 2010

Raising money for charity

Last night we did an event that I set up for a local cub scout group here in Omaha/Millard
The R2-Central builders brought two droids and the 501st and Rebel Legion came to help us as well. The scouts were well behaved and had a great time. They even donated $50.00 to the Make a Wish Foundation in our name.
This is what droid building and costuming is about. Making people happy with wide eyed expressions on their faces and going good for your community with your friends :D

Group photos

501st detaining scouts
R2-D2 and Patches getting their pictures taken.
Look! It is R2-D2!
Two sets of twins.
It is ok, the lightsaber will not cut you LOL.
Thanks to everyone that came out to help. It is much appreciated :)


Brenda's blog said...

Awesome Pictures, looks like you guys had fun!!!! I found your link on the email.


Britfest said...

Thanks Brenda :D