After our lunch break Jen went back to work thinking I was doing the same. Denny came over to lend me a second set of hands so we could get her droid up and standing before she got off of work without her knowing.
First we welded up a center leg bracket for her R3.

Then I ground the welds smooth. Next we drilled out the holes for the muffler clamps then bolted everything together. After that we centered the legs and drilled holes in the pipes to secure them in line to each other with bolts.

Then we took her eye piece and put one of Brad's eye lens in it and Velcroed it to the dome for easy removal later. As her motor mounts will not be done for a while we set R3 on my JAG feet shells. Now R3-PD can be standing for FCBD!
Here I am doing an ok DON pose. LOL

When Jen showed up after work I told her we would not have time to finish her droid for FCBD and that we had other group projects to do instead tonight. Needless to say she was not happy LOL.
I told her to put her stuff in my room and come out to the BARN. She walked in the room and saw her baby standing with R2-CM and R4-ED. She was so happy. Steve and Brad came over as well to help her out at that time. Brad made a sound CD for her and is letting her borrow his Lazy Susan. Steve brought speakers and batteries for the CD player, and Denny helped me all day with the build. Thanks guys!

Jen loves her new baby, now we just got to finish the other 50% :P
You are so verry welcome Moose and Jen. I feel I'm the one who should be thanking you for letting me help you. So Thank you all for letting me be a part of your group.
You guys TOTALLY had me going! LOL!
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